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Josh Rubin, CEO Kosher World Adventures

Get To Know Your
Trip Leader

Josh lives in Efrat with his beautiful wife, and together they have five kids and 11 grandkids. Known to his grandkids as “Pops,” he's a loving grandfather who leads a fun, active, and adventurous life, which includes guitar playing, cycling, and ballroom dancing with his lovely wife. He also has Smicha from Rabbi Riskin and is a trained therapist.

Josh is also the author of the children's book "Getting Back to  the Happy Place" The book demonstrates how through play, song and relaxing breathing we can help children and ourselves  find happiness when life becomes anxious.   

Connecting People, Living Adventure, Celebrating Life

Kosher World Adventures is owned by Josh Rubin. Josh lives in Efrat with his beautiful wife and together they have five kids and 11 grandkids. Josh, known to his grandkids as “Pops”, is an active grandfather who leads a fun, active and adventurous life which includes: guitar playing, cycling and ballroom dancing with his lovely wife. He has Smicha from Rabbi Riskin and is a trained therapist.

What Makes Kosher World
Adventures Unique?

The People! Josh Rubin, as the owner of Kosher World Adventures, spends time speaking to each person who joins to make sure everyone who comes is positive and fun loving. Since 2015, the greatest compliment Josh has received after each trip was: "How did you find such nice people?!

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Why Choose Kosher World

  • We take care of all the travel logistics

  • We provide fresh, healthy, kosher food where it is difficult to keep Kosher. Plus: in Italy we eat Italian and in Thailand we eat Thai etc.

  • During the entire trip we stay at one hotel so you can relax and get to know your surroundings

  • We only hire local guides to enrich our cultural experience

  • We provide a Sefer Torah, Minyanim and Jewish content

All this at one affordable price!

Kosher World Adventures Is Based on the Following Beliefs:

  • We believe that being in nature brings health and peace of mind in our techno driven world

  • We believe in being positive and that the unadulterated fun during our trips helps us bring positivity to our relationships

  • We believe that well-being comes from cultivating interaction amongst people, which is why we encourage people at dinner to share a story about a friend or a role model

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Meet Josh

Meet Josh

Watch Now

Some of My Trips

Everything We Do Is K’Dat V’Kadin

Shmirat Halashon / Gossip

Learn How We Do It:

Shabbat Solutions

Kashrut Solutions


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Shelly Dembe

" The trip included everything I wanted: hiking in the mountains with beautiful views, some other adventures (like rafting), a chance to explore a scenic and quaint village, a chance to learn about the Jewish history of the country, nice accommodations and best of all: healthy, nutritious, tasty kosher food! KWA offers a kind of trip that is unique with its focus on doing outdoor activities in the national parks of other countries, while bringing together people from all over the US and Israel."

Meet with Josh

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